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The activity subject of FLEXIMA s.r.o. (Ltd.) is services for companies in the automotive industry and their suppliers. We offer sorting, checking and repair work on parts and products, performance of the Output check, providing the "quality wall". In June 2002 we have successfully certified the quality management system according to the ISO 9001 standard.

We use a sophisticated system of the parts or packages identification that can be changed according to the customer´s needs. The standard is the evidence of the whole action (Czech, English, German) and daily information for the customer about the progress of the order. With a sufficient number of carefully selected, long-term trained and checked workers.

We respond to the orders immediately after their receiving, we are ready to go out to work 24 hours a day, 7 days in a week. We carry out the work on the customer´s premises or based on agreement on the premises of third party. We are equipped with our own “production” premises in the subsidiary in Pardubice, Jihlava and in Kladno into which we are able to transport material for working.

For maximum self-sufficiency at work we keep our own tool equipment and calibrated gauges at disposal. Thanks to the sufficient number of the company vehicles we are able to satisfy customers all over the Czech Republic and abroad.



The company FLEXIMA s.r.o. (Ltd.) was established in year 1999 by Mr. Maixner Václav. Thanks to high standards of quality and profesionality has Flexima achieved a significant position on the Czech market. It worked successfully for nearly one tousend customers from the Czech Republic and abroad (EU, China, South Afrika, Brazil,..) in over eleven years of its functioning.

We carry out our services in 55 assembly or production firms of the automotive industry, whose number is still accruing owing to high standards of the company FLEXIMA. With growing experience and clear aim we started preparations for the certification. We passed it successfully in June 2002 and acquired the certificate documenting that the quality management system (work organization, documentation, working procedures,…) is correctly developed and in practice effectively used.

To confirm the customers´confidence we concluded our insurance policy at the Czech Insurance Company a.s. (JSC) already in year 2000, that treats both the possible customer´s financial loss and the contingent damages of the parts in process that would be caused by the activity of the company FLEXIMA. Under the management of Mr Maixner, the company has been developing dynamically and has achieved good reputation with costumers.

We have responded to the increasing quantity of the orders with higher number of employees and foundation of branches to be closer to the customers. Besides the head-office in Pardubice there are also operating branches in Jičín, Liberec, Kladno, Plzeň und Jihlava – independent management, all necessary equipment. As we are interested in the active participation in the quality assurance in the automotive industry, we have become a regular member of the Automotive Industry Association.


Acquisition of new employees comprises a multiple-round selection process that includes many tests and training focused on quality and performance. Only after successful passing the tests they become employees of our company – only then we can guarantee the quality of the provided services. All employees are continuously trained on the principles of the automotive industry and on the importance of the quality in our activities. The training on safety and health protection in work is a matter of course.

The team leaders (workers, who lead the work on the place) are guided to master all the expert skills – constructive solution of the ordered tasks, using of tools and gauges, preparation of the working procedures, etc. Management and lead workers excel by their organizational abilities. They work systematically and can communicate in German or English. We are proud of their consequential work and constructive attitude. All workers use working clothes with the firm identification and identification badges by which they can always be easily distinguished from other „local“ workers.


© 2018 Flexima s.r.o.. Všechna práva vyhrazena.

Vytvořila společnost ML Promotion

Snímek obrazovky 2018-03-07 v 16.36.27a.
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